Gift from RR at Christmas
As a Sikh RR celebrates many festivals and participates in events of other religions. Many give gifts at Christmas; boxes of chocolates, cookies, a sweater, etc. RR is giving the “gift of knowledge and experience” to all Christians and those people of other religions. RR sees no better way to correct the injustices in Canada of multiple lawyers, numerous Justices to make them realize their profound shortfall, realized in serious breaches and violations of the law.
RR is a victim of multiple crimes involving numerous institutions where this has occurred due to the highly improper state of affairs in Canada.
As a victim RR can simply state that Christians are part of the problem where Justices who are Christians are fully responsible. But this clearly would be incorrect as many Christians are being harmed by Christians; and many Sikhs are being harmed by Sikhs. RR advocates for a peaceful and civilized solution.
RR will say that in being a Freedom Fighter, RR was someone who took Christians to the Sikh Gurdwaras as a mediator when many Sikh Gurdwaras were open and the Churches were closed during the pandemic that is a plandemic. At that time, many Sikhs were silent, uninformed and over compliant. RR is reaching out to as many Freedom Fighters of all faiths, to unite and support the Justice Initiatives of RR.
Moving forward in 2024 the injustices caused to RR, his family and many other victims in Society need to be corrected by the misinformed Justices. This webpage is to inform those Justices of the TRUTH. It is a gift from RR. Thereby, removing those Justices who are severely compromised and corrupt.
The courts must be restored. All of the Canadian people, from various races and ethnic backgrounds, will not tolerate further abuse where the concept of “Reconciliation Day” is introduced to cover the crimes, and then continue on with other crimes.
A Gift for the benefit of:
This is for the benefit of Justices, Sheriff’s, Lawyers, Institutions, family of RR and especially his brothers who know engineering, distant relatives of RR, and other P.Eng’s who value the iron ring. It is, especially for adjudicators like Justice Lyster who stated that RR is a vexatious litigant when RR was NOT litigating and speaking the words of a friend in an unlawful eviction matter, who had speech impediment and was partially blind in one eye. The law firm involved here is Lawson Lundell, LLP, which happens to be the same firm that has extorted funds from RR, and stolen the hi-rise property after deceiving the former brother of RR.
God Exists
God is realized through experiences that come in exceptional events and circumstances.
A Justice who says, Mr. Randhawa you are not a lawyer that is clearly known to that Judge is one such experience. Next, presumably that Judge will say, Randhawa you can’t speak English, have no right to breathe, and this Courtroom is reserved for criminals not victims.
There is a God. The Courts of law do rely on faith and acknowledge the existence of God.
The APEGBC matter is the primary initiating crime that had a considerable impact on finances and family life.
Proof of the Crimes by APEGBC
The Proof of the crimes by APEGBC is placed here for immediate action as it is clear that compromised and corrupt Justices within the Courts are incapable of correcting injustices. To prevent further crimes taking place which are shared by others within the illegal and unlawful Canadian “legal system”, immediate action is required!
Quasi-Judicial Legal Matter: APEGBC v Randhawa
Westmar Consultants Inc submitted an engineering report that was used against RR which was accepted by APEGBC that contained in excess of fifty (50) engineering errors; where the Standard of Proof cannot possibly be established. The Westmar Report was used in the APEGBC v Randhawa investigation (a set-up).
Truth of the matter is, there was NO water tank even constructed, which statement has the appearance of being a vexatious statement, but it is not a vexatious statement at all. It is Modus operandi, that is realized, where Rule 18 is actually used as an “instrument of fraud” to permit the crimes of firms that are blaming an innocent party for various reasons, where a fraudulent report or some false evidence is knowingly issued and used by lawyers going before compromised Justices. It is a court abuse that has been continuously applied for decades. One such reason is to protect the reputation of an organization involved in a water tank that collapsed, that organization is favored by APEGBC. Another is to conceal an insurance fraud.
The Proof of the Crimes in the APEGBC v Randhawa matter is shown in seven (7) indisputable facts that prove that APEGBC is involved in crimes. To do so, one must discuss three basic and essential processes of any regulatory process, and note that which is presented here is a single legal defence. RR has many legal defences which will be presented when RR is permitted to enter the Courts.
1. Disclosure of all material and files – APEGBC failed to disclose where evidence of the crimes was intentionally held-back.
2. Burden of Proof – APEGBC had no intent to consider facts which are required to establish the Standard of Proof.
3. The Determination in the matter of APEGBC v Randhawa – A fraudulent determination where the Engineer’s Act is weaponized.
Burden of Proof:
In a legal dispute, one party has the burden of proof to show that they are correct, while the other party has no such burden and is presumed to be correct. The burden of proof requires a party to produce evidence to establish the truth of facts needed to satisfy all the required legal elements of the dispute. In this matter, APEGBC has the burden to prove. The person being disciplined has the right to fair treatment, disclosure and the right to challenge and question the burden of proof. Engineering principles and facts cannot be dismissed or ignored.
Standard of Proof:
The civil standard of proof is proof on a balance of probabilities. The criminal standard is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. This article deals with civil standards of proof. Saying something is proven on a balance of probabilities means that it is more likely than not to have occurred. In the quasi-judicial matters like the APEGBC v Randhawa matter, the balance of probabilities has to be exceptionally high and close to the standard that is beyond a reasonable doubt, considering the professional and his career.
Simple Fact based on Legal Observation
The Burden of Proof or the Standard of Proof (which is set at a high bar for Professional Engineers) is not established for a water tank that was not even built, had no inlet, outlet or overflow pipes. The investigation was for a structure that was not even built, where drawings and all evidence was knowingly fraudulent and accepted by APEGBC to cause harm to the professional engineer. APEGBC did not have any intent to consider any balance of probabilities, it abused its powers to commit crimes with the intent to end the career of an exceptional professional engineer that established a good career without any promotion or social media. The harm then continued through on numerous other matters, systematic racism and institutional crimes, where corrupt institutions are used as Instruments of Fraud with the capture of certain people in society through cultural exploitation.
EVIDENCE THROUGH FACTS BEFORE THE DISCIPLINE PANEL (Westmar Consultants Inc. Report Oct 20, 2004):
Fact 1: Inapplicable Loads (W)
Not all loads are applicable. Stating a load on the drawings that is not applicable in the design is unprofessional conduct.
Stating that the wind load (W) will affect the design even when water level is low, it is utter nonsense as it is insignificant.
(Evidence Plate 1) Inapplicable Design Loads Selected by Westmar
Fact 2: Invalid Load Case (H + W)
Let’s assume that the wind loads were valid and applicable in the design. Using applicable loads of (W) in load cases (H+W) is inappropriate.
Stating that the load case (H+W) is saying that the wind loads will enter inside the body of water, is utter nonsense, simply not possible.
(Evidence Plate 2) Invalid Load Cases Selected by Westmar
Fact 3: No Investigation of Paul Hoo / Norman Allyn
The panel of three professional engineers, ordered no investigation against Paul Hoo / Norman Allyn, but issued “zero” months suspension for RR.
The professional seal was taken away under acts of bad faith to “force RR” to accept that the fraudulent determination is unethical conduct of others.
(Evidence Plate 3) Professionals at Westmar were Paul Hoo / Norman Allyn
Fact 4: Inapplicable Code of Practice
Westmar Consultants Inc used a building code to establish the applicable loads and load cases for water tanks. When a water tank is not a building.
A code established for building design cannot establish applicable loads or valid load cases for water tanks.
(Evidence Plate 4) Inapplicable Load Case Selected by Westmar
Fact 5: Retainer of Paul Hoo, P.E.
Paul Hoo P.E. clearly states that Westmar Consultants Inc. was retained on September 2, 2003, is false.
On evidence plate 7 it shows that Westmar Consultants Inc in referring to a calculation sheet was retained before April 6, 2003.
(Evidence Plate 5) Paul Hoo Retainer Reported as September 2 2003
Fact 6: Collapse date of said water tank
Paul Hoo P.E. clearly states on page 1 of the Westmar Memorandum date October 20, 2004 that the said water tank failed on August 2, 2003, is false.
On the evidence plate 7 it shows that Westmar Consultants Inc was retained before April 6, 2003.
(Evidence Plate 6) Collapse of Said Water Tank Reported was August 2 2003
Fact 7: Said water tank was not constructed
A brief analysis is provided where RR requires his former lawyers to act without delay. If Westmar Consultants Inc. were retained before April 6 2003 then the statement that this firm was retained on September 2, 2003 is false. If Paul Hoo P.E. was doing a calculation (April 6. 2003) for a “collapsed” water tank it is false to say that said tank collapsed on August 2, 2003. The said APEGBC v Randhawa hearing was of a single water tank collapse, but based on evidence it appears that a collapse occurred prior to April 6, 2003 and then the same water tank collapsed a second time on August 2, 2003. Evidence supports the fact that a previous water tank had collapsed well before September 2002 involving another engineering firm (this firm was likely Westmar Consultants Inc). Numerous lawyers and individuals of numerous firms and organizations are involved in this engineering scam that is being concealed. Canadian Institutions are not investigating and holding accountable those who are involved in crimes, and some of the Senior Justices of the Supreme Court are fully aware of these Institutional Crimes. Then, Paul Hoo P.E (who had an American designation at that time) became a P.Eng which is the professional designation for Professional Engineers in Canada.
(Evidence Plate 7) TRUTH – Collapse of Said Water Tank and Retainer of Westmar Prior to April 6 2003
Vexatious Statements Made by Corrupt and Compromised Lawyers
In each and every of the above facts, inside and outside of Court, some baseless and frivolous statement will be made by a corrupt lawyer before a compromised Justice, giving the “appearance of Justice being done”, where the facts that prove the crimes are simply ignored and dismissed with the malicious intent to cause harm to victims. RR has been harmed for two decades now by many professionals.
An example of this form of statement was made to RR by a lawyer in Nelson, B.C. When this lawyer was informed by RR that the inlet, outlet and overflow pipes that are 24″ inch in diameter, of steel, were not installed, and that this is major fraud. The lawyer replied to RR by saying, “may be the pipes that existed, were simply washed away”. As if to say, that the pipes that are of steel, buried in the ground, are like made of plastic and simply washed away with the water in the tank, where no pipes were used to fill this structure. So one will now ask, where did the water come from if no inlet pipes existed. The answer is, by water tankers mounted on trucks (this is evidence that is recorded in transcripts).
For this reason, RR has described the said water tank, as a “fake structure”, or “an object of fraud”.
Truth is, many Professional Engineers and lawyers have to be investigated for misconduct, unethical conduct, and crimes.
Justice Lyster, in response to your question in Court on August 31 2023 is:
“No, Kuldip Singh Randhawa is not vexatious, however, Justice Verhoeven (and senior Justices) needs to be investigated. The Order made by Justice Verehoven is an instrument of fraud”
Closure via a quote:
“Heavens above, God help this Nation, called Canada”.
…….Kuldip Singh Randhawa