Justice Organizations

A number of Justice Organizations have been approached by RR who did not assist. Considering the simplicity of the crimes, and serious safety concerns to the public, these organizations should have acted immediately and responded on a timely basis. Some of these organizations’ not responding is a form of intentional negligence, bias, and extreme discrimination that RR is aware it is unique to Canada.   

A Nation where many ethnic groups coexist is naturally segregated, compounded by religious segregation, and then further by the cultural exploitation done by the few who are in power, that Nation will be divided. This division where the media is silent, will result in the fundamental intrinsic rights and constitutional rights being extinguished. Now, we have a dangerous situation with democracy at risk.

  It would be essential to protect a professional engineer who is honest, and ethical, one who is concerned for public safety, and who speaks of acts of bad faith of a regulatory body. These media organizations ought to have been outraged. A legal challenge will be made by RR. 

  A situation where the RCMP in a number of jurisdictions did not act responsibly or remain within the law to investigate these obvious crimes, should have been in the media, with considerable media investigations. >A number of Justice Organizations have been approached by RR who did not assist. Considering the simplicity of the crimes, and serious safety concerns to the public, these organizations should have acted immediately and responded on a timely basis. Some of these organizations’ not responding is a form of intentional negligence, bias, and extreme discrimination that RR is aware it is unique to Canada. 

  A Nation where many ethnic groups coexist is naturally segregated, compounded by religious segregation, and then further by the cultural exploitation done by the few who are in power, that Nation will be divided. This division where the media is silent, will result in the fundamental intrinsic rights and constitutional rights being extinguished. Now, we have a dangerous situation with democracy at risk.

  It would be essential to protect a professional engineer who is honest, and ethical, one who is concerned for public safety, and who speaks of acts of bad faith of a regulatory body. These media organizations ought to have been outraged. A legal challenge will be made by RR. 

  A situation where the RCMP in a number of jurisdictions did not act responsibly or remain within the law to investigate these obvious crimes, should have been in the media, with considerable media investigations.

  A number of these organizations may now want to provide support to RR having caused harm to him. Perhaps even fund or cover the RR matters, where considerable litigation exists, when at least seven (7) Justices of the Supreme Court of British Columbia were, and still are, involved in numerous crimes, and without any shame continue to act recklessly. It is important for the reader to understand that such serious allegations made against Justices should be supported by credible evidence and be handled through proper legal channels. However, RR will inform the public that the evidence will not be allowed, facts ignored, and the proper legal channels are seriously compromised.   

Human rights organizations take excessive time, whereas the Judicial Council is essentially operated or under the control of Justices who simply support each other in favor. The latter, of course, is a serious conflict of interest.

  Of course, one is informed that if a crime occurs then one must report to the RCMP. As far as reporting these RR matters to the proper authorities,  RR has realized that words such as, “To serve and protect”, do not apply the same. to all.  Where corrupt or compromised, lawyers, politicians, or Justices are concerned, the investigations are impeded or suspended without cause.  

RR has truly lost count of the number of Police complaints made over two decades, so much for the statement, “Rule of Law”.   

These criminal offenses by the many, are likely going to be repeated in the RR matters, and in other legal cases, if the media remains silent, where after two decades of intentional ignorance, or supporting crimes, such silence of the media has serious legal implications.  

All media interested in covering the RR matters can contact him in the contact form.  Each contact or non-response will be documented and will be made public. This will allow readers to boycott the paper, where advertisers can withdraw advertisements and cancel subscriptions.

  A number of these organizations may now want to provide support to RR having caused harm to him. Perhaps even fund or cover the RR matters, where considerable litigation exists, when at least seven (7) Justices of the Supreme Court of British Columbia were, and still are, involved in numerous crimes, and without any shame continue to act recklessly. It is important for the reader to understand that such serious allegations made against Justices should be supported by credible evidence and be handled through proper legal channels. However, RR will inform the public that the evidence will not be allowed, facts ignored, and the proper legal channels are seriously compromised.   

Human rights organizations take excessive time, whereas the Judicial Council is essentially operated or under the control of Justices who simply support each other in favor. The latter, of course, is a serious conflict of interest.

  Of course, one is informed that if a crime occurs then one must report to the RCMP. As far as reporting these RR matters to the proper authorities,  RR has realized that words such as, “To serve and protect”, do not apply the same. to all.  Where corrupt or compromised, lawyers, politicians, or Justices are concerned, the investigations are impeded or suspended without cause.  

RR has truly lost count of the number of Police complaints made over two decades, so much for the statement, “Rule of Law”.

    These criminal offenses by the many, are likely going to be repeated in the RR matters, and in other legal cases, if the media remains silent, where after two decades of intentional ignorance, or supporting crimes, such silence of the media has serious legal implications.  

All media interested in covering the RR matters can contact him in the contact form.  Each contact or non-response will be documented and will be made public. This will allow readers to boycott the paper, where advertisers can withdraw advertisements and cancel subscriptions.