Vicarious Liability
RR in his legal matters relating to his family members who were being criminally entrapped informed the lawyers and staff at the law firm that crimes have occurred and issued a Notice to Cease and Desist. The name of the law firm has been held back, as a final opportunity through a Legal Notice will be served, where this Notice has not been discussed on this website.
In general, vicarious liability refers to the legal doctrine that holds a supervisory party (such as an employer, in this case, a lawyer who is a Partner of the law firm) responsible for the negligent actions of a third party (such as an employee of the same law firm) if certain conditions are met.
In British Columbia, legal assistants are not regulated, so lawyers supervise the legal assistants. A corrupt lawyer cannot supervise and will pass on criminal liability to the legal assistants who may incorrectly believe that they are doing legal and lawful work.
One of the ways an employer ( a lawyer who is not corrupt) can avoid or mitigate vicarious liability is by exercising reasonable care to prevent employees’ negligent behavior. This can involve implementing policies, providing training, and taking other steps to create a safe and compliant work environment.
However, the concept of vicarious liability typically applies to civil liability rather than criminal liability. In criminal matters, individuals are typically held personally responsible for their own actions. If a crime has been committed, the individuals who committed the crime can be held accountable for their actions under the applicable criminal laws.
RR had notified the lawyers and staff at the law firm about crimes that had occurred and issued a “Notice to Cease and Desist”. In doing so, RR was taking steps to address the situation and prevent any further illegal activities, and protect his family who were being criminally entrapped, deceived, or misled by lawyers intentionally.
For lawyers who are acting within the law, the normal and reasonable steps would be for the law firm to thoroughly investigate the matter, cooperate with law enforcement if necessary, and take appropriate actions to ensure compliance with the law. However, in the RR matters the lawyers were intentionally committing the crimes, in fact, enjoying it, in the knowledge that they will never be investigated. In some cases, these lawyers deceived the RCMP to harass and intimidate RR, who had filed a criminal complaint against the lawyers. This itself, is another crime by lawyers who are involved in crimes, and then proceed to misinform the RCMP or the police authorities.
RR offers advice, who is not a lawyer, so this advice is certainly not legal advice. It is advice that is given by one victim to another victim, in a Nation that supports lunacy and promotes criminal activity, which is, to study each legal matter, scrutinize the evidence, and if crimes have been committed by lawyers, then press criminal charges against those who are corrupt or involved in crimes. The complaints made by RR, have been on behalf of his family who are victims of these crimes.
RR will also offer advice that is typically given, that one must seek advice from legal professionals, but also be very careful that a lawyer who is corrupt, will give the appearance that legal advice is being offered when it is not legal advice at all. So to my friends, victims, and Freedom Fighters, tread very carefully, when your own lawyer may “sell you out”, or “sell you short”, for we are in Canada, a nation that is in dire straits.
In closing, RR is working hard with a “shoestring budget”, to get serious help to victims, and will work with other groups. As a Freedom Fighter and activist, RR will work with other Freedom Fighters and activists, subject to reasonable agreements reached.